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Our Story

The Todd Family Story

Gary and Heidi are first generation ranchers with a love for agriculture.

Heidi was born and raised on a ranch, where her love for animals started. She sources her knowledge and work ethic from 5th generation roots in the ranch industry. Heidi went to Junior College in Powell, Wyoming where she judged on the Collegiate Livestock judging team and earned an Associates degree in Agriculture Business. She then attended Montana State University and livestock judged at the senior college level and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Communications. While at school, she interned for the American Simmental Association and is still employed with them today. The joke often is that they cannot drive past an animal without her evaluating it. Her attention to detail and overthinking things come in handy when running the business. 

Gary was raised on a ranch in his early years. Then his parents changed career paths and outfitted in the backcountry in the Scapegoat Wilderness. He then spent his adolescent years learning to run a cross cut saw and lead a string of mules. He always had a passion for livestock production which spurred him to go to MSU. He attended Montana State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Animal Science with an emphasis in Meat Science. While attending MSU, he worked at the Meats Lab on campus under Dr. Jane Ann Boles as well as a small custom meat shop. He has extensive knowledge in the meat industry stemming from meats judging in 4-H and FFA and also at the collegiate level. 

Gary also worked for the USDA as a Meat Grader. He worked in large packing facilities and stamped grades on thousands of head of cattle in Kansas and Colorado. He then worked for the State of Montana as a Meat Inspector for several years. He learned extensive knowledge about the rules and regulations of state inspected facilities which evolved into working for Pioneer Meats, a meat processing facility, as a general manager.

The combination of Gary and Heidi’s experience bring together the best of both worlds and creates a great team.

Gary and Heidi are first generation ranchers that started their herd from the ground up in 2007.  After getting married, they started with a base of Angus cows and then decided to switch.  They purchased some Red Angus heifers from a local rancher and and a local purebred breeder.  Those females are the foundation of the herd today. They are always working to improve the herd and improve the product that is provided to the customer.

The Todd’s have three children, Garrett (11), Anna (9), Emme (5). The “Family” portion of Todd Family Meats is because the kids work alongside their parents. They help with the day-to-day operations and are learning the values of hard work, dedication, and following your dreams. It is the Todd Family belief  that our God-given gift is to be stewards of the land and our livestock and raise a superior product to share with families just like yours.

As a mom, I am always questioning "Am I feeding my growing family a nutritious dinner?" When I feed them our home-grown beef from Todd Family Meats, I know that my family is going to get the best protein available.